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  • Histórico

Endress+Hauser is paving the way for the future

Record-high figures in net sales, profits, employment and investments

Data de publicação: 06.05.2014

A presence in laboratory analysis

The Group’s financial key indicators are strongly influenced by acquisitions. In addition to the takeover of the business and employees of a former representative in Indonesia and the purchase of the US optical analytics company Kaiser Optical Systems, a share in Analytik Jena is a major factor. The share enables Endress+Hauser to develop a foothold in the laboratory business. The share had an effect on the equity capital ratio, which was reduced by more than 2 points to 67.8 percent.

The Group achieved a record operating profit of 277 million euros, as well as a best ever net income of 187 million euros. The Group invested around 130 million euros in its world-wide production and sales network. At the end of 2013 the company employed 11,919 people. Of 1,853 new positions in the company worldwide, about 1,300 resulted from the purchases; a further 550 posts have been organically created in the Group.

Smooth change at the top

For the family-owned business, the handing on of the baton at the end of the year was of particular significance. Klaus Endress, son of the company founder, who has managed the Endress+Hauser Group since 1995, joined the Supervisory Board, replacing Klaus Riemenschneider as President. The Group’s new CEO is Matthias Altendorf, with 25 years’ experience at Endress+Hauser and formerly Managing Director of the competence center for level and pressure measurement engineering in Maulburg, Germany.

Cautious start to the new year

For 2014 Endress+Hauser has set the target of over 2.1 billion euros of net sales – a plus of over 15 percent due to the acquisitions. Beyond the new business areas, an organic growth of around 9 percent is planned. The company intends to create 500 new jobs and increase the equity capital ratio to significantly over 70 percent again. So far the start to the current year has been modest.


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    Media release - Financial results 2013

    Paving the way for the future - Endress+Hauser can look back on a successful year’s business

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